Monday, October 12, 2009

A Second Vook

Matthew Cavnar, part of the team behind the new ebook-video hybrid called a "vook," left a comment about my rhyming vook post last week. I thought I'd put it front and center today, because if you're going to call someone out about a blog post, this is a pretty classy way to do it:
Dear Larry,

Though your lines were rather critical
We at Vook were impressed they were lyrical

Perhaps our next vooks you'll be more fond of
And - don't fear - we won't be writing sonnets.
We'll leave the criticism and the verse to you
Though we wish you'd understand: It's tricky
to build something fresh, original, and entirely new.

We don't want you to trade your book for a vook.
But maybe, (soon!), give us another look?


Matthew (at) vook (dot) com
[But as I said in my epic vook poem, please don't let me be mistook--my issue is less with the product or the concept behind it, and more with the nails-on-a-chalkboard word "vook."]

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